Shreemad Bhagavad Gita

Divine and Demonic Wealth and Traits

In Chapter 16th in Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shree Krishna summarizes two kinds of natures of the person.

  1. Divine Nature Traits
  2. Demonic Nature Traits

Both kinds of traits are directly related to the wealth that we are acquiring & creating.

While doing a business, we should be careful about the Source+Way of our income.

If our income is coming from a demonic way or the source is really demonic way, then we also get Demonic traits in our nature.

If source and way both are divine, then we get divine traits in our nature.

Devine nature brings happiness and joy while Demonic nature brings Kaam, Krodh, and Lobh.

So think it again, What’s the Source and Way of our Income?

By Mitul Golakiya

CEO & Founder at InfyOm Technologies

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