Shreemad Bhagavad Gita

Focus on your core Competency

In Chapter 18th or Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Verse 47, Lord Shree Krishna says,

It is better to do one’s own dharma, even though imperfectly, than to do another’s dharma, even though perfectly. By doing one’s innate duties, a person does not incur sin.

We often do this mistake while doing business.

We see the market and try to copy things by seeing others. And while copying the market or competitors, we really forget our core competency and lose focus and lose the game at all.

Everyone is blessed with unique abilities and one should focus on utilizing that ability and give his/her best on that even though it’s imperfect.

I do not mean here that do not explore new markets or new opportunities, but just see that you are not ignoring your core qualities and abilities.

By Mitul Golakiya

CEO & Founder at InfyOm Technologies

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